Pearl Export Custom Les Paul Black – SN 1010552 – 70-80’s Matsumoku Japan/Korea


Uniquely shaped Les Paul from the brand Pearl. Serial number 1010552 on the headstock, likely 1981?. Made in Japan, Matsumoku factory. The guitar has multiple scratches at the front and back of the guitar and some chips off the lacquer on the sides. The body has a sleek finish and does not have bindings on the body. The fretboard however is an unique piece. The frets are in great condition, and the frets are sunken into the fretboard bindings, allowing them not to have any sharp frets visible on the side. All original parts, Dimarzio Distortion styled original humbuckers.

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Pearl Export Custom Les Paul Black – SN 1010552 – 70-80’s Matsumoku Japan/Korea

Uniquely shaped Les Paul from the brand Pearl. Serial number 1010552 on the headstock, likely 1981?. Made in Japan, Matsumoku factory / Korea??. The guitar has multiple scratches at the front and back of the guitar and some chips off the lacquer on the sides. The body has a sleek finish and does not have bindings on the body. The fretboard however is an unique piece. The frets are in great condition, and the frets are sunken into the fretboard bindings, allowing them not to have any sharp frets visible on the side. All original parts, Dimarzio Distortion styled original humbuckers.

Here some forum details about Pearl guitars:

”The Pearl guitars come from the Pearl Drum company and the Pearl guitar production was managed by Jack Westheimer from Cor-Tek (Cort). There are Epiphone Genesis models that Jack Westheimer continued to make with the Pearl brand in Taiwan after Epiphone dropped them. So the early Pearls are probably made by Matsumoku and the later Pearls after say the early 80s could have been made in Korea and maybe Taiwan. Also the Pearl guitars have the same inlays as the Jack Westheimer Cortez guitars so the Pearl guitars are really the same as Cortez guitars. Cortez was Jack Westheimer brand before he set up Cort in Korea. The Pearl Les Pauls were made by Matsumoku and the Pearl Acoustics were made by Hayashi Gakki. Cortez were made by Matsumoku and some have the same headstock inlays as the Pearls.”



Brand: Pearl

Model: Les Paul

Fretboard: Rosewood with block inlays

Pickups: Humbuckers Dimarzio Distortion STYLE

Setup: 2 tone 2 volume

Case: None